“Change can happen”-Barack Obama used to say this earlier
when he was fighting to win 2008 elections for the president of United States. And
this change would not have happened if he didn’t used social media at its
maximum extent. He’s not just the first African American president but also the
first president to utilized technologies beyond email or a cell phone to office
to raise campaign donations. He’s the first “Social Media President” in
history. He was the first one who understood the power of sharing and
communicating through social media not only to deliver and receive messages,
but to energize the Americans into action. Barack Obama along with his whole
campaign team focused in and realized the power and they utilized different
technologies that took them from the bottom to the top. Even in the 2012
elections, Obama used social media pretty well for his campaigns. It wasn’t
just one social media website that they used, they used everything working in conjunction
with other websites, complementing each other and promoting the same singular
message of the change that can happen if people who use those websites helped
to elect Barack Obama as the President of United States of America.
All these politicians
should have a page on Facebook and twitter as well because these two websites
are most popular social media sources all around the world. They can use these
websites to promote their campaigns like they can make a special page where
they can put on information regarding their coming events and what they going
to do if they win. This can help people a lot when it comes to making their
decision when they go for voting. Also, politicians have a huge advantage to
gain more knowledge from their followers that what they want and how they want,
so that they can follow their instructions and become an all-people lover political